danomac design is the alter ego of Dan McKissack. He has been a freelance designer in eagle river, Wisconsin, since August 2005, having finally decided that 90 commuting minutes (each way, mind you), was just not the way humans were meant to live.
Dan graduated from the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, the proud possessor of an Associate of Arts degree in Design and Illustration. Since then he has functioned as (in no apparent order): graphic designer, CD-ROM programmer, pre-press operator, audio engineer, video editor, web programmer, light bulb changer, illustrator, photographer, husband, and – more recently – father.
He’s the first to confess that what he doesn’t know far outweighs that which he does. Oddly enough, that never seems to inhibit him from trying. In his words, “I’ll figure it out.” Often, this leads to late nights, frantic Amazon raids for programming books, and an impatient wife, but the equation Happy Clients x Happy Dan = Happy Wife proves that the efforts are worth it.
During his professional life (and even going back to his amateur days), Dan has produced dozens of titles on CD-ROM, created digital and traditional illustration, designed and developed websites, print pieces, engineered and edited audio and video, created Flash presentations for internet and sales, and yes, changed lightbulbs. He looks forward to helping you in any way he can (it never hurts to ask, contact him today), and his wife thanks you for thinking of him.